I have ./build:
sudo ./setup_host.sh or sudo source setup_host.sh
I have entered sdbuild and type: Preformatted textmake BOARDDIR=Minized Preformatted textmake BOARDDIR=/home/bartek/PYNQ/boards/test Preformatted textmake PREBUILT=/home/bartek/bionic.arm.2.5.img BOARDS=Minized
Still not working…
My goal is to create step by step tutorial for PYNQ, but I can’t create basic image for it
Can someone help me create working custom image for PYNQ?
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I need some help
Can somebody post here full commands that I need to do before creating for example PYNQ-Z1?
I will use it as reference design and try with my own.
This is weird. Right now I have 3 different PYNQ repos on my machine and only one is working. The working repo is in detached Head state unlike the rest. I think on that repo I have tried plain “make” command and that updated repositories, tried to rebuild all BOARDS and failed on ZCU because of license.
Next thing I have tried was from quick porting guide " ```
bash scripts/image_from_prebuilt.sh MinizedPynq Minized_Pynq.bsp arm bionic.arm.2.5.img;
Other repos are just git cloned -b image_v2.5.* and run
"bash scripts/image_from_prebuilt.sh MinizedPynq Minized_Pynq.bsp arm bionic.arm.2.5.img;" which fails on e2fsck /dev/loop*p*.
+ sudo chroot / e2fsck -y -f /dev/mapper/loop22p2
e2fsck 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
e2fsck: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/mapper/loop22p2
Possibly non-existent device?
Makefile:324: recipe for target '/home/bartek/Desktop/Minized_EMMC/Avnet/PYNQ/sdbuild/output/MinizedEMMCPynq-2.5.img' failed
make: *** [/home/bartek/Desktop/Minized_EMMC/Avnet/PYNQ/sdbuild/output/MinizedEMMCPynq-2.5.img] Error 8
I will try some variations of cloning and building projects with different repos and try to guess the working solution :\
There could be error with corrupted disk image/files. So the best solution is reboot machine, check disks and retry.
You should put Minized folder under some local path. For example, /home/bartek/boards. Then
make BOARDDIR=/home/bartek/boards
Since you have the .spec file inside Minized folder, that folder will get picked up by the make process.
Don’t confuse the PYNQ folder inside the sdbuild/build folder with your original PYNQ folder. The sdbuild/build/PYNQ is a temporary folder and it will get cleaned when you run make clean.