Partial reconfigure problem with vector add


As I said don’t get confused by Composable Overlays.
Study the post and see what is useful.

BTW cath closed the post with no reason and not even clear out in that post and the second half of the post is here:


Yes, composable overlay uses DFX. But, only streams and AXI4-Lite no AXI4 interfaces.

This is huge confusing Mario, so why confuse developer?

Composable overlay can include DFX blocks aka partial reconfigure blocks.
But composable overlay need DFX when it is just using static PL blocks connected to the switch?
Correct me if this is wrong.

@briansune I do not understand your point. We have discussed this already in the post you linked.

I am not trying to confuse anyone, I am trying to clarify.

PYNQ supports DFX. However, I can only attest that AXI4-Stream and AXI4-Lite have been used and validated, I have done this myself with the composable overlay. I am not aware of any project that has used AXI4 as interface to the DFX regions, which is the support request on this topic.

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hi Marioruiz,

Is composable overlay hardware design(.xpr) open source? I didn’t find it in the Github repo.

Composable overlay uses DFX ← this is misleading!

So why cont’d misleading the topic with another topic where in my previous post had nothing involved interface about the interface required ?

Composable overlay doesn’t need DFX when it is just using switch board action aka no P-Block involved.
This is all about DFX required in Composable overlay or not and the answer as you had mentioned in other post is NO.

So you do clarify you do misleading?

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Composable overlay is switch board and it build above the previous DFX API.
Which simply had asked and response in the second half of my linked post.

The source repository is here (Not sure there are any NDA code):

Meantime, I added more info here.

PYNQ itself from 2.4 had DFX supported so you don’t need composable overlay to run reconfiguration.
However if you had design like pipelined behavior, then composable overlay can make things more nicer and better.

That’s what composable overlay makes original DFX API better, that’s all.

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