PYNQ SD Card build environment

OK. I have tried the vagrant flow, so right now I have an idea of what you talked about. Pardon me for this because I have not run it for a long time. Let me summarize, maybe for other users as well:

  1. You need vbox guest additions for bigger display + bidirectional clipboard. For bidirectional clipboad you can enable them in virtual box settings.

  2. You need vagrant reload in your host machine terminal to start up the VM. Otherwise vagrant won’t work properly. Important!

  3. If you do item 2, shared folder will be /pynq on your pynq_vm; on your host machine, the shared folder is pointing to the location where you run vagrant up initially. Use this shared folder to move files around between your host machine and your pynq_vm.

  4. Please don’t install packages or run make in /pynq, even though it may contain all the files from github. /pynq is just a small shared folder.

  5. The 100GB disk is located at /sdbuild. Install Xilinx tools here. Run the sdbuild make process in this folder as well. The best practice is to clone the PYNQ repository here. For example,

cd /sdbuild
git clone --recursive pynq-git
cd pynq-git/sdbuild

Hope this will help other users. I will try to include this in the docs.

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