Pynqz2 connected to router but cnanot be accessed

I use pynqz2 in one router and I can access perfectly. I moved to another house and I have a new router and different laptop. I connected the pynqz2 to the router and I am connected through wifi to internet.

however, I cannot access the local server in the pynq:

I have tried setting the static IP address and doing the network bridge but it did not work too. I also tried to connect with a ethernet dongle and USB via SSH, nothing.

I am using ubuntu 22.04, and I was using w10 in the other computer.

any suggestions?

This is the static IP intended for use when you connect your board directly to your laptop.

You need to find the IP your router has assigned to the board and connect to it.
You can log in to your router to find this, open a terminal to the board and run ip a or you can run network discovery apps (i.e. iPhone or Android apps on smartphone) to discover things connected to your router.


Hi Cathal,

I could finally connect to the board eliminating the DHCP from the net interface configuration. I don’t know why I could connect to it but removing the DHCP and forcing the net interface UP in my local pc, seemed to work.

Thanks for the suggestion,