Hi, I’ve created a convolution processor that is shown in the following BD:
When I’m using simple 2D arrays in Jupyter notebooks, I am successful in completing convolution. But when I try this with the numpy library to create an image, I think I am likely doing something wrong as the DMA transfer stalls and will only halt by “KeyboardInterrupt”. This is the code I am using to put an image into a buffer: (I’m attempting to process one data channel at a time at the moment)
# Picture metadata
image_path = "Images/mario.jpg"
original_image = Image.open(image_path)
width, height = original_image.size
in_buffer = allocate(shape=(height, width, 1),dtype=np.uint32, cacheable=1)
out_buffer = allocate(shape=(height-2, width-2, 3),dtype=np.uint32, cacheable=1)
# Copying original image into buffer
array = abs(np.array(original_image)[:,:,[2]])
in_buffer[:] = array
# Begin hardware processing stream
I’ve setup an ILA for my design and the DMA seems to recieve my convolution data but then becomes unready for some reason. Take a look at this starting transaction captured from the ILA output:
1) Convolution Controller receives necessary data and begins processing
2) Convolution puts first cSum onto the bus and it the first 4 are seemingly received by the DMA
3) The DMA becomes unready and does not come back on until interrupt
Any help would be appreciated! I’ve tried to investigate this to the furthest I know how but I am lost sadly.
Pynq-Z2 Target Device
I’ve attatched the .bit
PL_Convolution.bit (3.9 MB)