Vitis Embedded Platform compliant with PYNQ

Hello PYNQ Community,
I would like to use XRT and C/C++ APIs to manage kernels on PYNQ-based embedded platforms. To do so, I got that I need to create a Vitis Embedded Platform and generate the host and xclbin from that.
I followed this tutorial on Xilinx’s repository and the vector addition example works. However, it does not generate a PYNQ image but rather a custom Petalinux one.

My question is: how can I create a Vitis Embedded Platform compliant with PYNQ?
I have already tried to create one out of the Pynq-Z2 files, but when I run the code on the board, it gets stuck waiting for the kernel to end.

Thank you!



Hi @emanuele.delsozzo,

This flow is not currently supported on PYNQ.

In theory, it should be possible to download the xclbin that Vitis generates with pynq.Overlay(), however this flow is not verified/validated for embedded designs.


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Damn, I guessed.

Thank you for your help!

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