Who execute jupyter notebook code on pynq: my cpu? or arm cpu on pynq

  • pynq - z1 (xc7z020clg400-1) with 650MHz dual-core Cortex-A9 processor

I have followed very wonderful examples on pynq community.

One question comes in my mind: Who execute jupyter notebook code on pynq?

After making bitstream using vivado and vitis hls, the next step is to make code in jupyter notebook on pynq using .hwh and .bit file.
(reference: Tutorial: using a HLS stream IP with DMA (Part 3: Using the HLS IP from PYNQ) or Tutorial: AXI Master interfaces with HLS IP )

Does my cpu (I’m using Intel® Core™ i7-10700T CPU ) execute code in jupyter notebook or A9 processor does?


When you open a network browser, you connect to Youtube and watch videos.
Do you run the Youtube server or you just connect to Youtube and fetch the video data?

Hints are given, ENJOY~

Hi @fkj1196
Good questions. The Jupyter server is running on the PYNQ-Z2 board, and serves the data in the Jupyter notebook in your web browser in your host PC. The web browser on your PC is your interface to the board.
Python and PYNQ code in a notebook runs on the board.
However, the Notebook is rendered by your host PC. This means that if, for example, you process some data on your PYNQ-Z1 and plot it in a graph in a notebook, your CPU plots the graph.
If your graph takes a lot of time to render, you may notice different performance on different host PCs.



I’m appreciate for your answer.

You answered what I want to know