Wrong in building sdbuild in the PYNQ-master

I wanna make a rootfs.img for my sd card, and when i ran “make RELEASE=Pynq-Z1-Wily”,some errors raised.and I open the makefile, find the line wrong happend:
"checkenv: ${WORKDIR}/release_info
which dtc
which hsi
which vivado
which arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
which microblaze-xilinx-elf-gcc
which ct-ng
${QEMU_EXE} -version | fgrep 2.8.0
vivado -version | fgrep 2016.1
sudo -n true
bash ${SCRIPT_DIR}/check_Env.sh
bash ${SCRIPT_DIR}/check_mounts.sh
so my ubuntu used to make the files can not find the hsi、vivado and some tools involved.But I installed the vivado 2016.1 already in the ubuntu 16.04.so how can i build the sdbuild’s Makefile successfully? Waiting for your reply.

Make sure you source the vivado settings before make.

so which floder or files should I source?I find many hsi in the Vivado floder.Thanks for your reply.

source the settings64.sh file of your vivado

thank you,and I will try it.

there is still no hsi, and the result of hsi is null.

You should look for a place something like:

source <your-vivado-installation-path>/installs/lin64/Vivado/2018.3/settings64.sh