ZCU111 overlay base

Hi, i am looking for a base overlay for the ZCU111 board. I haven’t found anything similar, does it exist? It is because I want to do the same thing that was already asked here and it seems that there was no answer.


I have a schedule, so my answer is late.

I progressing this project currently but as I know ‘base’ overlay doesn’t exist for ZCU111.
So I trying to ‘rfsoc_radio’ and ‘rfsoc_qpsk’ overlay in ZCU111.
This overlay dowanload method and example exist in ‘RFSOC_SDR book’

But these overlays make based on arbitrarily made ‘dashboard’ in python.
So if you want to do a project based on this, I recommand analyze these overlays or make new overlay.

Additionally, if it is the same project, the ‘base’ overlay is considered unavailable. If necessary, you can check the overlay in Vivado.

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