I am using ZCU208 with PYNQ 3.0.1 image.
The current python xrefclk.set_ref_clks function does not seem to support setting different frequency values for the the ADC’s and DAC’s ref clocks (lmx2594).
If I call set_ref_clks as follows, and I use python debug prints, I see that both ADC’s lmx2594 and DAC’s lmx2594 ref clocks are set to the same frequency:
xrfclk.set_ref_clks(lmk_freq=122.88, lmx_freq=409.6)
I am looking to set the ADC ref clock different than the DAC ref clock.
A call that would look something like this:
xrfclk.set_ref_clks(lmk_freq=122.88, lmx_freq=[409.6 245.76])
Do I need to modify the python set_ref_clks function to support two separate lmx2594 frequencies my self or should I be calling it differently or is there a different python function that I should be using?