Can't connect to, able to access alternate address, but "client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset" error

Pynq Z2, v3.0.0 here. Extra images for reference here. Attempting to connect it directly to my laptop through Ethernet, a Lenovo Legion 7 (mentioning just in case it could be important, though I doubt it). I’ve recently dusted off my board to try to get cracking at building a pared down version of fpgaconvnet (or something else, if it’s a more suitable project) on my board. There are some neat things I’d like to mess around with for CV apps, even for hobby purposes. Unfortunately, I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock where I’m barely able to maintain a connection to the Jupyter Notebook overlay and even less so, an SSH connection.

I recall following the getting started guide and having no issues connecting to the first time, but since then it’s been much more elusive, even trying to reproduce the same steps with assigning my (Windows 11) laptop a static IP address.

Since then, I’ve been able to access the board with some advice following this person on Reddit. Having followed this advice, I’ve been trying out addresses that show up with arp -a. I can log in to Jupyter, and get into SSH, but it’s been effectively all but unusable. Often, Jupyter Notebook will time out, attempts to run blocks will stall, and even navigating around the directory may lead to a timeout and a painfully slow forced refresh.

When attempting to access the board by SSH, I can get past entering credentials most of the time (but not always!) but almost invariably see “client_loop: send disconnect: Connection reset” pop up:

My understanding of networking is sadly quite shallow, and this has thrown me for a loop. Could there be something else in my network configuration that might be causing issues? Security related, or hardware related? I have the Pynq image loaded onto a Sandisk 16 GB SD card at the moment, should I go for something with better/faster read/write speeds? Just from having used this card with a camera, I know it’s about an order of magnitude slower than many better/higher capacity cards. I don’t know if that’s something that would genuinely present a bottleneck for the tasks I’ve done so far, though.

I’ve also been trying to use a Wifi dongle for internet access, as I’ve tried and failed to do a network bridge in the past. Trying to configure that is a bridge I haven’t even gotten to yet, however. As one last thing I was wondering about, would I be better off buying a cheap router (apartment wifi isn’t accessible for us) to play with, or should this be a workable solution if sort out my other issues?

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Did you search in this forum topics about “Pynq Z2 connection”? Maybe some topics talk about connection directly via your computer and an ethernet cable.
Could this previous post be helpful? ( How can I let PYNQ-Z2 connect PC)

Hi @Flygonial,

Have you tried using a different SD card?
I would also suggest you get PYNQ 3.0.1.


Hi @marioruiz, and thank you for the suggestions! I bought a new SD card and might as well load up 3.0.1 onto it when I get a bit of breathing room between my classes :sweat_smile:.

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