Hi everyone.
I followed the tutorial to rebuild the base overlay for Pynq 2.6. However, I get an error
cd <my_repo>/boards/ZCU104/base
source ./build_ip.tcl
# set current_dir [pwd]
# cd ../../ip/hls/
# set ip {color_convert_2 pixel_pack_2 pixel_unpack_2}
# foreach item $ip {
# if {[catch { glob -directory ${item}/solution1/impl/ip/ *.zip} zip_file]} {
# # Build IP only if a packaged IP does not exist
# puts "Building $item IP"
# exec vivado_hls -f $item/script.tcl
# } else {
# # Skip IP when a packaged IP exists in ip directory
# puts "Skipping building $item"
# }
# unset zip_file
# # Testing the built IP
# puts "Checking $item"
# set fd [open ${item}/solution1/syn/report/${item}_csynth.rpt r]
# set timing_flag 0
# set latency_flag 0
# while { [gets $fd line] >= 0 } {
# # Check whether the timing has been met
# if [string match {+ Timing: } $line] {
# set timing_flag 1
# set latency_flag 0
# continue
# }
# if {$timing_flag == 1} {
# if [regexp {[0-9]+} $line] {
# set period [regexp -all -inline {[0-9]*\.[0-9]*} $line]
# lassign $period target estimated uncertainty
# if {$target < $estimated} {
# puts "ERROR: Estimated clock period $estimated > target $target."
# puts "ERROR: Revise $item to be compatible with Vivado_HLS."
# exit 1
# }
# }
# }
# # Check whether the II has been met
# if [string match {+ Latency: } $line] {
# set timing_flag 0
# set latency_flag 1
# continue
# }
# if {$latency_flag == 1} {
# if [regexp {[0-9]+} $line] {
# set interval [regexp -all -inline {[0-9]*\.*[0-9]*} $line]
# lassign $interval lc_min lc_max la_min la_max achieved target
# if {$achieved != $target} {
# puts "ERROR: Achieved II $achieved != target $target."
# puts "ERROR: Revise $item to be compatible with Vivado_HLS."
# exit 1
# }
# }
# }
# # Testing ends
# if [string match {== Utilization Estimates} $line] {
# unset timing_flag latency_flag period interval
# break
# }
# }
# unset fd
# }
Building color_convert_2 IP
couldn't execute "vivado_hls": no such file or directory
I have Vivado 2020.2. What did I do wrong ?