How to build my own overlay for pynq-dpu

I want to build my own overlay that contains dpu and other ip, such as mipi, hdmi. Now I use vivado 2019.1, petalinux 2019.1, HLS 2019.1, because my pynq image is v2.5. I update my image using the “Quick Start” on DPU-PYNQ git, and it is normal.
But I want to use my own overlay. I see that if I want to download the overlay contains dpu, it must have a xclbin file. So do I need Vitis 2019.2 to compile it ? Is there a flow for reference? Can I implement it with other 2019.1 tools ?
Can I use DNNDK? But when I download the overlay.bit , it said that xclbin file does exist. What files do I need to download overlay with DNNDK environment ?

Hi @yss9701,

I guess you are looking for the Vivado/Vitis flow for the pynq-dpu? The following link directs to the Vivado design on different platforms such as KV260, ZCU104 and Ultra96. I haven’t tried yet, but hope it helps to some extent.
