Is MIPI available on ZCU104?


I am asking if MIPI is available for the ZCU104 because I am trying to port some Pynq-ZU code over and see this as a gap. The Pynq-ZU explicitly lists MIPI in the overlay while the ZCU104 doesn’t. I have seen other projects for ZCU104 that use MIPI and wasn’t sure if I could leverage this or if something else needs to be done.

It could be as simple as adding in the MIPI interface to the base image and recompiling.


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Hi @jcollier,

No, MIPI is not available on the ZCU104 as there is no MIPI-CSI interface on the board.

The driver to use the Pcam 5C from digilent is included in the PYNQ image since the version 2.7, so you could reuse this part. But, you will have to create your own overlay to support this, you can take inspiration from the Pynq-ZU base overlay.


Thanks for the quick response as always. Does the PYNQ team have a quick way to export a design from Vivado for the Composable Overlay? I have made changes (like deleting MIPI) and made it through the generate bitstream and tested it (some). I would like to now go to a tcl that looks like the PYNQ_Composable_Pipeline tcl file.

Thanks again,


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If you do not have DFX regions you can use write_bd_tcl on the Tcl command line, this should give 95% of the final tcl file.
On the other hand, ff you are using DFX region it is a combination of write_bd_tcl and manual tcl commands. At the moment we do not have a better way of generating the tcl file.


Thanks for the info. I do have the DFX regions working so I will have to do the additional work. Do you have any pointers?



Not really, there are tutorials about legacy DFX but are for HLD code.

No problem. Thanks for all of your help. I am really excited about the introduction and jumpstart that the Composable Pipeline provides to Pynq.

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