Hi @juanppalacios ,
I used the original base overlay GitHub - mariodruiz/Kria-PYNQ , and some python code to reconfig the V_proc and Pixelpacker IP.
You can find the python code here:
Hi all,
I am working on the Kria base overlay (mipi_to_display notebook). I am trying to store a gray image via VDMA (8bits/pixel, Y channel).
Using the following code:
videomode = VideoMode(1280, 720, 8)
frame = mipi.readframe()
frame.shape # (720, 1280)
I get a gray image but, looking at the pynq code I see that pixel data is just written with the B channel. The reason is that v_proc_sys IP is configure to bypass the BGR pixels coming from the demosaic/gamma pi…
In addition, in the following post you can find the workaround of a little bug in the overlay:
Hi all,
my problem is related to Kria KV260 & Base overlay (GitHub - mariodruiz/Kria-PYNQ ) & Vivado 2022.1.
Taking a look at the MIPI of the base project, there is a Subset Converter to swap the channels.
Input (MSB to LSB): R1 B1 G1 | R0 B0 G0
the swap is defined as TDATA remap string: tdata[15:0], tdata[23:16], tdata[39:24], tdata[47:40]
Output (MSB to LSB): B0 G0 R0 | B1 G1 R1
So, it produces a swap between channels but also beween pixels.
This can be seen in the …
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