DMA channel not IDLE error with custom IP

I am trying to pass an array of numbers to the DMA and then add a number to each of them in the PL and then pass it back to the PS, however, I am getting a DMA channel not idle error, when I have put implemented logic for TLAST, TKEEP, TVALID and TREADY:

module adder#(parameter DATA_WIDTH=32, CAPACITY = 10)(
    // common signals
    input                       axi_clk,
    input                       axi_reset_n, // active low - as required by AXI protocol
    // AXI4-S slave interface
    input                       s_axis_valid, 
    input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0]      s_axis_data,
    output                      s_axis_ready,
   // AXI4-S master interface 
    output reg                  m_axis_valid,
    output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] m_axis_data,
    input                       m_axis_ready,
    output reg                  m_axis_t_last,
    output reg [3:0]            m_axis_t_keep
    reg [$clog2(CAPACITY):0] count;
    // when are we ready to accept data?
    // we are only streaming, so this slave is only ready if the master is ready
    assign s_axis_ready = m_axis_ready;
    always@(posedge axi_clk)
        if(count < CAPACITY)
            m_axis_t_last <= 0;
            m_axis_t_last <= 1;
    always@(posedge axi_clk)
        if(s_axis_valid & s_axis_ready)
            m_axis_data <= m_axis_data + 32'b10100;
            count <= count + 1;
    always@(posedge axi_clk)
        m_axis_valid <= s_axis_valid & s_axis_ready;// valid data as output when we have valid data in input and already processed it - will come one clk after receiving the input valida data
        m_axis_t_keep <= 4'b1111;

For context, this is my block diagram:

And this is my notebook:

I get this error having ran the cells multiple times, and I did get inconsistent outputs, albeit the outputs of one of the 10 numbers increased by 20 or 40 - still not all correct as I expect an array of 21s in the end - although I did initially pass an array of 1000 0s, so it could be that this is still being read or something - not too sure.

Hi @rgbblue,

I wrote a blog series describing common DMA issues.


Hi, thank you for the link, I still can’t seem to solve the issue, I can receive some data - albeit incorrect data. As in I receive an array of 0s instead of 21s, then the first element becomes 240 and then increases by 20 and later 40 each time. Then after a few runs - when the first element is 500, i get the channel not idle issue. I’m still not sure why this is the case.

You indicated that you have designed your own HDL module, so I suggest you verify that this module is handling the AXI4-Stream channel correctly.

Have you tried with another value of data_size, like 200?