Pynq Z2 board boot


I’m having trouble booting my PYNQ-Z2 board. I am only ever able to see the red LED light when I switch the board on when booting from the sd card. I have flashed the image onto two different SD cards. I have tried flashing this image with etcher and win32. All has the same result, I am never able to see the done light come on unless I take the jumper off of SD mode and in this case the LED’s above the switches flash.

I have also tried using two different micro usb cords to power as well as a wall adapter. I’m using an ethernet to usb-c adapter to connect to my laptop and assigning the static ip as it says in the documentation.

I was thinking of trying to create a QPSI image and flash it onto the board. Please let me know if there is anything else I can try!

Hi @cameron28202,

Welcome to the PYNQ community.

You can try checking the output of the serial port when the board is booting, perhaps you can see something there.


Hi, thanks for your response. I tried to see the serial output using PuTTY and I just get an empty terminal. I verified I found the correct COM port, used baud rate 115200 data bits 8 parity none stop bits 1 flow control none.

Hi @cameron28202,

You can try to see if Vivado detects it.
But, from what you’re saying it would appear that the board is faulty.
