This is a tutorial targeted at Verilog and Python users who wish to use Zynq 7000 to do Verilog FPGA module development and interface their Verilog in the PL to the PS system. I went through this learning curve a few months ago and wanted to share my experience to “pay it forward”. I used a TUL-2 Board.
Design Steps and decisions
The general flow of design steps I followed are:
- Develop the IP. You will interface to your IP through a memory mapped interface.
- Instance the IP in an AXI IP Wrapper. The AXI IP makes your design memory mappable by the CPU.
- Instance the AXI-wrapped IP in an FPGA level project which you will then build bitstream and tcl files from.
Developing your base IP
To interface as a memory mapped peripheral, you will simply assume each input and output port you need to control through the CPU (except clock and reset) map to a specific address.
module SimpleLogicModule (
input [31:0] a,
input [31:0] b,
output [31:0] sum,
output [31:0] difference,
output [31:0] bitwiseAnd,
output [31:0] bitwiseOr,
output [31:0] bitwiseXor,
output [31:0] bitwiseXNor
assign sum = a+b;
assign difference = a-b;
assign bitwiseAnd = a & b;
assign bitwiseOr = a | b;
assign bitwiseXor = a ^ b;
assign bitwiseXNor = a ~^ b;
For simplicity purposes I will assume you’ve created the proper testbenches and thoroughly tested your IP.
Instancing your IP inside an AXI Peripheral
We will make a simple memory mapping:
Direction | Signal | Address offset |
input | a | 0x00 |
input | b | 0x04 |
output | sum | 0x08 |
output | difference | 0x0C |
output | and | 0x10 |
output | or | 0x14 |
output | xor | 0x18 |
output | xnor | 0x1C |
Create a new project called ‘SimpleLogicModuleAXIIP’. Once open, go to ‘Tools’->‘Create and Package New IP’. Create a new AXI4 Peripheral. It should be an AXI Lite Slave Mode, 8 32-bit registers. On the next page Select ‘Edit IP’.
Instancing your IP
You should see generated RTL like this:
Updating the AXI IP:
In the SimpleLogicModule_v1_0_S00_AXI_inst file, at the bottom, add your logic in between the User Logic lines.
slv_rev0 is address offset 0x0, slv_reg1 is 0x04, etc. If you had signals tied to other blocks (FPGA pins,etc) you would of course add them to the indicated area in the module definition.
Now, update the register write logic. It will be an always block with a case statement gated by slv_reg_wren. In this case we want to update those registers ourselves (as opposed to having the CPU write them) so we remove the cases for slv_rev2-7 and replace them with:
Do this outside the if (slv_reg_wren) statement so they update on every cycle.
Once you have completed these steps, do a basic simulation compile to make sure you have no syntax errors and go back to the ‘Package IP’ tab. Make sure the source code for your IP is included in the File Groups.
Instantiating your AXI IP in an FPGA
So far we have made our base IP and then placed it into an AXI IP Instance so it can be connected to the AXI IP chain.
Now we will start a new project named SimpleLogicModuleFPGAProject. It’s an RTL project. Don’t include any IP.
Create a new Block Design called ‘SimpleLogicModuleFPGADesign’. Add your ip_repo where you built the AXI IP to the IP Catalog (from the ‘Project Manager’->‘Settings’ Menu).
Now instance two items using the + button:
- Your ‘SimpleLogicModuleAXIIP’ (if you can’t find it you probably forgot to add the ip_repo path to the IP Repository).
- The Zynq7 Processing Instance
You will see a window like this:
Click on both Run Block Automation and Run Connection Automation.
Then, select the top level Design file and click Flow->Create Design Wrapper (the compiler needs to compile RTL, not board files).
Select ‘Generate Bitstream’ to generate a bitstream.
Running the IP on your TUL board
Collect Bit and HWH Files
Once you have built your FPGA Image, collect the following (you may need to run find in your vivado project directory):
- The .hwh file (it will be named after your project, like SimpleLogicModule.hwh). Rename it to SimpleLogicModule.hwh
- The .bit file (it will be named after your wrapper, like SimpleLogicModule_wrapper.bit). Rename it to SimpleLogicModule.bit
And copy them to your Zynq board. Move the .hwh and .bit into pynq/overlays/SimpleLogicModule or into your current directory.
Test in Python
The python interface is very simple:
from pynq import Overlay
overlay = Overlay('SimpleLogicModule.bit');
# Make sure bit file is in pynq/overlays/SimpleLogicModule/SimpleLogicModule.bit
# and the hwh file is in pynq/overlays/SimpleLogicModule/SimpleLogicModule.hwh
aAddress = 0x00
bAddress = 0x04
sumAddress = 0x08
actualSum = # and compare with expected.
- Be sure IP of all source files (including your module) are exported when you do AXI peripheral packaging. See: If you do not do this the FPGA Implementation step will not be able to find the proper IP.
- Be sure to make a design wrapper HDL out of the top level of the FPGA Project (which you build with a Block Design). Right-click on the top level of the FPGAImplementation and select “Create Design Wrapper”. The synthesis/bitstream program can’t make a file out of board descriptions- it needs the HDLs.
- Don’t put slv_reg2 … slv_reg8 lines into the case statement for the AXI write. I did this and realized I needed to initiate a ghost write cycle to those addresses to make the write happen.
- You may have trouble compiling… check the library property of the Source File Properties and make sure it is set to something (normally xil_defaultlib).